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Close sales, repeat

The Bold Agent Platform is where visionary real estate agents create high-performing businesses serving residential investors.

Bold Street featured by the single-family industry leaders

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Solutions for the SFR Industry

See how our solutions solve acquisitions for different parts of the SFR industry.

33% of sales involve investors

An investor is involved in 1/3 of all single-family transactions, yet most agents don’t work with investors. Investors are repeat buyers, not emotional, and are the only market segment still buying.

Grow your sales with investors leveraging the power of the Bold Agent Platform.

Start your free trial to see how this could work for you.

All the math is done for you

Let the power of AI identify investment-grade opportunities, calculate investment returns, and help you send the best deals to your investor clients.

Meanwhile, leverage automation to send leads and investor clients compelling deals and market reports to demonstrate expertise and drive engagement.

Focus on sales, not math.

Start your free trial to see how this could work for you.

Demonstrate Expertise

The best investors are high-net-worth individuals who need agents to find and present working opportunities. They want agents who can speak their language and provide property analysis quickly.

Leverage the Bold Agent Platform’s reports, cashflow forecasts, and decision matrices to deliver value.

Engage with Technology

Younger generations are choosing to buy investment properties over owning their own home. They also expect to engage with modern web and mobile experiences over traditional phone and email communication.

Leverage the Bold Agent Platform to engage investors with a modern investor portal.

Deliver Overwhelming Value

More than ever buyers and sellers will expect agents to surprise them with value. Homebuyers will want to know what they might one day rent a house for and sellers will want to list their property with valuable investment data for prospective investors and homebuyers.

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Learn what Bold Street can do for you

Experience the power of Bold Street and grow your investor agent business today. Book a demo and a member of our team will walk you through the platform, pricing and how to get started.